Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Repost from 2009

A dear friend of mine died in November. He was born before World War II but he really did not begin to get sick until after that war. This illness started slowly but got progressively worse. Oh, there were times when he appeared to be recovering and I held out hope that this sickness would not just go into remission but would be a complete recovery. Sadly, it didn't and his health deteriorated. My buddy was much older than I but we were still great friends. I will never forget the day we met. It was at school when I was very young and he was invited to give us instructions on how our government was supposed to function. He was a wealth of knowledge and he imparted much wisdom to me, although, I must admit I understood very little of what he was teaching at the time. However, as I grew older and matured I began to better understand the true value of our friendship and how I often called on him to help me deal with complex issues in my life. Not everyone liked my friend as I did and they often tried to get him to change. He never would, so those who hated him distorted his words and brought shame on his name. But even in the midst of trials and persecution he stood tall and his words were still true. Don't misunderstand, my friend had to be shaped and molded slightly over the years but the changes, in most cases, were made with the understanding of his core principles. There won't be a funeral anytime soon, for my friend will lie in state in Washington, DC for historians to view, but he is dead and I see no hope for his resurrection. Unless the tears of a nation bring him back to life. I'll miss my friend. His name was Constitution.

Monday, May 4, 2020

A spring not lost

Recently, while shopping in a home improvement store, I commented to a young man who was loading a truck, "Looks like spring is gone, it's a hot one today." His response was, "yeah a spring lost to this virus."

I pondered his comment for awhile and realized he was wrong. Something that is lost is not found, for if it is found it was just misplaced. Our American liberties and freedom have been misplaced but not lost as some would hope. This COVID-19 has brought the power hungry to the surface.

As shutdowns and forced guarantees continue, the powerful get juiced by the adrenalin that is produced by unfettered control and soon their opinions and directives become as law. However, I am taking strength in that Americans are, to the chagrin of the elite, waking up to the master plan of control the power hungry are forcing on us in the name of safety.

Let it be known that I believe we have a virus that is deadly and that many will yet die, but never forget what a Democrat from the recent past said, "never let a crisis go to waste." To his believers this crisis must never be wasted.

That was the bad news, now here is the good news.

As Americans we can, if we will, reunite ourselves with our Constitution and put the heavy foot of liberty on the necks of the corrupt elite. Lord Acton said, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Words we should remember as we stand united and declare, "We will obey lawful orders but we will not be forced into submission by out of control demigods.

The tenth amendment gives broad powers to the states but it does allow or advocate for the setting up of kingdoms.

So, remember the Constitution belongs to us and not to the federal government. For as you remember the Preamble begin, "We the People..."

For those who have forgotten consider the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for the redress of grievances."

A citizen of the great state of Georgia, as am I, needs only to obtain a copy of the State Constitution and find the Bill of Rights to include the provision of the Federal Bills of Rights and many delineated additinal freedoms.

In conclusion the Preamble to the Constitution of the State of Georgia; "To perpetuate the principles of free government, insure justice to all, preserve peace, promote the interest and happiness of the citizen and of the family, and transmit to posterity the enjoyment of liberty, we the people of Georgia, relying upon the protection and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish this Constitution."

Monday, December 10, 2018

From Now On

It has been three years since I posted a blog and it is time to get back to it. Most of my blogs were politically oriented, and that's not a bad thing, however, for awhile, anyway, I'm going to try and look forward.

The elections of 2016 and 2018 are behind us and most of us are happy with some results and disappointed with others. As they say "you can't win them all." And hopefully "you can't lose them all."

Now what's for the future? Well, let's get a little spiritual. No, not necessarily preachy but at least understanding who our Savior is and why (not just in this season) this fact ultimately matters.

The obvious reason for our acceptance of Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior is our reservation in Heaven. Having secured that what happens "From Now On?"

From a practical stand point we must be conveyors of the truth of Scriptures. Why is this so important you might ask, I'm saved? The simple answer is when there is a void of truth the void does not remain empty. Lies fill that void and begin to grow. As they grow they pollute our society and cause those intent on evil to have a fertile ground in which to grow. Now one of the problems we face as spiritual beings is our desire to be separate from our very evil and nasty society (ex: Hollywood) and withdraw into our cocoon of like minded beings. The problem, is the problem won't go away and the "dark" ground will become more fertile; re-inter Hollywood, with its diabolical partners, the internet, television, university campuses, print news and liberal churches. All of these entities will, at every turn, distort the truth, repackage it and feed it, sugar coated, to our children and vulnerable adults.

So what's the answer? Simple "From Now On" speak the truth in love, allow nothing questionable into our lives, and at every opportunity demonstrate with our lives and speech the truth of God's love and His directions.

This has been a happy Christmas season for me and I wish the same for you.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

To The Youth: Use It.

George Bernard Shaw famously said: "Youth is wasted on the Young." It was true when he said it and it is truer today.

As I age, and though it is not scientifically possible as far as I know,  I've found that time moves faster than ever. The things I should have done earlier in life I'm trying to squeeze into what time I have left. This endeavor, I realize is only a limited possibility, however, I am trying diligently.

I recently purchased a motorcycle and found it to be exhilarating.  My wife and I are planning to ride into the wind, not the sunset, this spring and join with other cyclists. I have made contact with a military unit in which I served half a century ago. My wife and I have new kayaks that need to be christened. And so it goes.

The aforementioned frivolities are exciting but there is more to life than the fun things and this is where the youth are in dangerous straights. Living in the moment can be exciting and passionate, but looking to the future can be of much greater value. The youth, in general, fail miserably in this regard.

As a teacher of the US Constitution I am especially aware of the ignorance of our young people when it comes to the principles of our founders when they, the founders, established our nation. Few, young and old, can name the three branches of government. In fact most don't know that there are three. I recently did an on the street survey and found that only one in ten interviewees could name the current Vice President. The ignorance of our society is so pervasive that it has become mentally palatable to all but the serious inquirers. The foolish will absorb whatever is presented with sweetness and savor, but the wise will weigh everything in the balance. Again in the words of George Bernard Shaw:

        "If you leave the smallest corner of your head vacant for a moment, other people's opinions will rush in from all quarters."

We are immersed in a raucous political season as we proceed toward a November 2016 election and, for the most part, what we hear from the candidates is their promises of more stuff, for which the tax payer will foot the bill.  Tell me what I want to hear not what I need to hear is the clarion call from the masses.

The question is; will we arm ourselves with knowledge or continue to be lead as sheep to the slaughter?

So to the young, as the tide and time move on grasp the moment with the strength and time you have  and waste not a moment, for if you do not you will, one day ask;  "Why?"

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Let's keep it simple on natural born. Article II, Section I, Para. 6. The president shall be a natural born citizen.

Of late, a lot of controversy has surrounded the meaning of this clause in the Constitution. Barack Obama, Ted Cruz, and John McCain have got the pot boiling. Many believe that Obama was not born in the United States. We know that Ted Cruz was born in Canada, and John McCain in Panama and I'm sure many others who would like to become President fit into this category as well. So, let's make it simple.

By whatever means necessary (Amendment, etc.) let's do it, at least in part, the Jewish way. First. The Jewish way. It is not always a sure thing who the father is but we certainly know the mother, therefore the mother must be an American citizen. Second. The candidate must be born on American soil. No exceptions. Not a territory, simple one of the fifty states. Third. A certified, witnessed, and official birth certificate must be presented.

Problem solved.  

Kershaw Getty

Saturday, October 26, 2013


While plowing through some old papers in boxes removed from my mother-in-law's attic my wife came across an insurance company payment that itemized the reimbursement for a bill my father-in-law received for services rendered. The year was 1950. The payment stated $4.50 for one day in the hospital and $4.00 for operating room expenses. Total $8.50. Now if the payment was 80% of the actual bill, which is standard, then the hospital charge would have been $10.63. That same year a loaf of bread was fifteen cents ( $0.15).

Let's do some calculations.

Today in some stores we can get bread for $1.50 a loaf. That's 900% increase. A night in the hospital with operating room expenses will cost at least $5000 not counting doctor's fees. That is 46,937% increase. Let me say it another way. Fifty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Four Percent.

If those statistics aren't bad enough we have an out of control congress and a president who doesn't know his butt from a base fiddle. Throw in a Supreme Court that has members who can't spell constitution let alone understand what it means, and you end up with Obamacare that will make the 46,937% look like a good deal.

If you aren't old enough to remember the good times then it is probably easier for you. For the rest of us it is painful to witness the destruction of our country.

So, maybe the truth is, it's not the folks that need healthcare it's the Eagle.

Kershaw Getty


I've always resisted the touchy feely movement of the sixties when men were told to reach deeply into themselves and get in touch with their feminine side. Now don't misunderstand, I can make formula, change a diaper or feel for the downtrodden with the best of them, but not in a "ahh" slobbering gooshy way. The same goes for chic flix where nothing can be accomplished without at least a gallon of tears. However, the other day I think I found my feminine side.

While watching a documentary about our founding era I found myself becoming saddened at , not what I was watching, but rather at what our country has become.

The founders pledged their "lives, fortunes and sacred honor" to forge out of tyranny the greatest county the world had ever seen and is likely to ever see. What, I am sure, they never expected was for this great endeavor to become what we have today. As  I watched the screen I realized I was no longer engaged in what the commentator was saying, rather I was looking blankly at the TV and reflecting on my youth and the overwhelming pride I had when I thought of one day serving my country.

So, in my reflections I had to ask, where is the pledge to sacrifice, if necessary, our lives? Where is the willingness to give our money to a just cause or risk it in the fight for freedom? Where is our sacred honor?

We have in Barack Obama a man with no honor and no interest in the real America, a congress that is clueless and an electorate that can't discern the truth from a con job. The founders would revolt and another revolution would ensue.

A revolution with arms is not advisable, however, a revolution at the voting booth is essential.

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